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Name Element


Origin and Meaning

Germanic name element

This name element is closely related to VER

Some of the combinations below might represent the name elements VID or VIG instead [1]

Ancient Germanic

*weik- = 'separate', 'detach' [2]
*wīha- = 'holy' [1] [2]
*-wīhō = (female) 'fighter' [1]
*-wīhō = (female) (pagan) 'priest' [1]

Old Norse

= 'home', 'temple', 'sanctuary' [3] [4] [5]
= 'devoted', 'dedicated' [3]
vīgja = 'to consecrate' (in heathen sense) [6]
vígja = 'to consecrate' (in heathen sense) [7] [2]


weihan = 'to consecrate' (in heathen sense) [6]
weihan = 'to fight' [8]

Old Swedish

= 'temple', 'sanctuary' [3]

Old High German

wīhen = 'to consecrate' (in heathen sense) [6]

Old Saxon

wīhian = 'to consecrate' (in heathen sense) [6]

Old Frisian

wīa = 'to consecrate' (in heathen sense) [6]

Related Names

See *Wīhaz, Wīwaz, Véseti, Vi, Vífi, Vígnir


ADAL see Alví
ALA see Alví
ALF see VíælfR and Alví
ANN see Annevi
ARN see Arnví
AS see Ásví
BJÖRN see Víbiǫrn
BORG see Víborg
BOT see Bótví
BRAND see Vébrandr
BRITT see Brittvi
DAG see Dagvi
DIARF see VídiarfR
DIS see Védís
EI see Eivi
ELL see Ellevi
ELS see Elsevi
EY see Eivi
FAST see Vífastr and Faství
FINN see Vífinnr
FOLK see Folkví
FREJ see Véfreyja
FRID see Vífreðr
FRÍÐ see Vífríðr
FUSS see Vífúss
GAUT see Vígautr
GEIR see VígæiRR and GæiRví
GERD see Vígærðr
GEST see Végestr
GISL see Vígísl
GRIM see VígrímR
GUD see Guðví and Víguðr
GULL see Gullevi
GUNN see Vígundr and Gunvi
HALL see Hallvi
HEÐIN see Heðinví
HEIL see Hæilví
HILD see Hildvi and Vehild
HJALM see VíhialmR
HOLM see Holmví
HRING see Ringvi
HROD see Hróðví
ING see Ingvi
KETILL see Víkætill and Kætilví
LAUG see Vélaug
LEIF see VílæifR
LEIK see Veleik
LIKN see Líknví
LILL see Lillevi
LILLI see Lillivi
LIND see Lindvi
MAJ see Majvi
MOD see Vämodh
MUND see Vímundr
NIUT see Víniútr
NY see Véný
RAGN see Ragnví
RAND see Randví
RIK see Ríkví
RUN see Vírún
SETI see Véseti
SIG see Sigvi
SLAG see Slagvi
STEIN see *Wīhastainaz (Norse) and Wēohstān (English)
SÄLL see Sällvi
ULF see VíulfR
ULL see Ullavi
VARD see Víurðr
VILD see Vivild
ÖL see Alví
ÞJOÐ see Þiúðví
ÞOR see Þórví
ÞORM see Véþormr
ÞORN see Véþorn

See also Milvi, Seivy

First Element Forms

Ve- We- Vé-
Vi- Wi- Ví- *Wīha-
Vä- Væ-

Last Element Forms

-ve -we -vé
-vi -wi -ví -via -vid -vie -wie
-vy -wy


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Lena Peterson: Nordiskt runnamnslexikon (2007)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Per Vikstrand: Förkristna sakrala personnamn i Skandinavien (Studia anthroponymica Scandinavica 27 (2009), 5–31)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Roland Otterbjörk: Svenska förnamn (1979)
  4. Leiv Heggstad, Finn Hødnebø og Erik Simensen: Norrøn Ordbok (1997)
  5. Kristoffer Kruken og Ola Stemshaug: Norsk Personnamnleksikon (1995)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Ferdinand Holthausen: Vergleichendes und Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altwestnordischen (1948)
  7. Richard Cleasby, Gudbrand Vigfusson: An Icelandic-English Dictionary (1874)
  8. Eva Brylla: Förnamn i Sverige (2004)