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Name Element


Origin and Meaning

Germanic name element. The meaning is probably 'protection, luck' (see Proto-Norse) but has been early associated with the Old Norse word for 'ale': ǫl

It is sometimes difficult or impossible to tell apart form ALA, ADAL, ALF and ALH


*alu- = 'protection', 'luck' [1] [2]
alu = 'protection', 'luck' [3] [4]
alu = 'protection' [5]

Old Norse

ǫl = 'ale' (= witcheries) [6]

Old Saxon

alu = 'ale' [7]
alo = 'ale' [8]


ealu = 'ale' [9]
ealo = 'ale' [8]

Related Names

See Alukō, *AluniR


BJÖRN see Ǫlbjǫrn
BORG see Olbjørg
DIS see Oldis
GAUT see Algautr
GEIR see Geirǫlul
GISL see Algísl
GUD see Alugōdaz
HILD see Ǫlhildr
MOD see Ǫlmóðr
RIK see AlríkR
RUN see Ǫlrún
VALD see Ǫlvaldr
VEIG see Ölveig
VER see *Aluwīhaz
VI see Alví
VID see Ǫlviðr
VIN see Alawiniz
VÖR see Ǫlvǫr
ÞRUÐ see Alþrúðr

First Element Forms

Al- Ala- Alu- *Alu-
Au- Aul-
Ol- Old- Oll-
Öl- Øl- Ǫl-

Last Element Forms



  1. Lena Peterson: Nordiskt runnamnslexikon (2007)
  2. Eva Brylla: Förnamn i Sverige (2004)
  3. Kristoffer Kruken og Ola Stemshaug: Norsk Personnamnleksikon (1995)
  4. Guðrún Kvaran: Nöfn Íslendinga (2011)
  5. Lena Peterson: Lexikon över urnordiska personnamn (2004)
  6. Leiv Heggstad, Finn Hødnebø og Erik Simensen: Norrøn Ordbok (1997)
  7. Ferdinand Holthausen: Vergleichendes und Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altwestnordischen (1948)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Hjalmar Falk & Alf Torp: Book: Etymologisk ordbok over det norske og det danske sprog|Etymologisk ordbok over det norske og det danske sprog]] (1999)
  9. Walter W. Skeat: The Concise Dictionary of English Etymology (1993)