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Name Element


Origin and Meaning

Germanic name element: Original meaning: 'house with one room, big room, hall' (a) [1] [2]

New name element: Newer interpretation: 'sun' (b) [1] [2]

Ancient Germanic

(a) *salaz = 'house with one room', 'big room', 'hall' [3]
(a) *saliz = 'house with one room', 'big room', 'hall' [3]
(b) *sôwila = 'sun' [3]
(b) *sôwlô = 'sun' [3]

Old Norse

(a) salr = 'house with one room', 'big room', 'hall' [4] [5] [2] [1]
(b) sól = 'sun' [5] [2] [1]
(b) sôl = 'sun' [3]


(b) sauil = 'sun' [3]

Old Saxon

(a) seli = 'big room', 'hall' [3]


(a) sele = 'hall', 'house' [3]

Old High German

(a) sal = 'big room', 'hall' [3]


(a) Saal = 'big room', 'hall' [6]


(b) sol = 'sun' [7]


(b) sol = 'sun' [3]


(b) sol = 'sun' [3]


(b) sól = 'sun' [8]


(b) sól = 'sun' [9]

Related Names

See Sol, Sǫlsi


ALF see Álfsól
ÁR see Ársól
AUD see Sóleyð
BJÖRN see Salbjǫrn
BJÖRT see Sólbjǫrt
BLOM see Solblomma
BORG see Salbjǫrg
BRA see Sólbrá
BRITT see Solbritt
BRUN see Sólbrún
DIS see Saldís
DÖGG see Sóldögg
EY see Sóley
FINN see Sólfinnur
FRID see Solfred
FRÍÐ see Solfrid
GEIR see Salgeir
GERD see Salgerðr
GEST see SaligastiR (Germanic)
GULL see Solgull
GUNN see Solgun
HEID see Sólheiður
HER see Sólarr
HILD see Solhild
HRAFN see Sólhrafn
ING see Ingisól
IS see Íssól
KETILL see Sólkatla
LAUG see Sollaug
LEIF see Solleif
LILJA see Sóllilja
LILL see Lillesol
LÍN see Sólín
MAJ see Solmaj and Maísól
MÁN see Sólmáni
MANN see Salmann
MAR see Sólmar
MARI see Marisol
MEY see Salmøy
MORG see Morgunsól
MUND see Salmundr
MYRK see Sólmyrkvi
NATT see Náttsól
NY see Salný
RAND see Randarsól
ROS see Solros
RUN see *Sǫlrún
SE see Sæsól
SIG see Sigursól
SNÆ see Snæsól
STEIN see Sólsteinn
STRÅLE see Solstråle
ULF see Sólúlfur
UNN see Solunn
VAR see Sǫlvarr
VEIG see Sǫlveig
VER see *Sǫlvér
VETR see Vetrarsól
VIN see Sólvin (Norse) and *Selewine (English)
VÖR see Sǫlvǫr and Vársól

See also Melasól, Sólbráð, Solfager, Sólskríkja

First Element Forms

Sa- Sal-
Sel- Sele- *Sele-
So- Sol- *Sol- Sól-
Söl- Søl- Sǫl- *Sǫl-

Last Element Forms

-sol -sól


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Kristoffer Kruken og Ola Stemshaug: Norsk Personnamnleksikon (1995)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Roland Otterbjörk: Svenska förnamn (1979)
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 Hjalmar Falk & Alf Torp: Book: Etymologisk ordbok over det norske og det danske sprog|Etymologisk ordbok over det norske og det danske sprog]] (1999)
  4. Lena Peterson: Nordiskt runnamnslexikon (2007)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Leiv Heggstad, Finn Hødnebø og Erik Simensen: Norrøn Ordbok (1997)
  6. Günther Drosdowski: Duden Etymologie - Herkunftswörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (1997)
  7. Elias Wessén: Våra ord (1997)
  8. Sven B. F. Jansson: Norstedts isländsk-svenska ordbok (1994)
  9. Annfinnur í Skála, Jonhard Mikkelsen, Zakarias Wang: Ensk-føroysk orðabók (1992)